HTF Resource Center Hotlinks
Aviation Hub Sites
- These comprehensive sites provide links to the major aviation-related sites on the World Wide Web.
- Aviation Enthusiast corner
- Search for air museums, upcoming air shows, airplanes, historical events and weather info at this hub site.http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/rec/air/air.html
- Air Affair
- http://www.airaffair.com/
- Aviation Laboratories Link to other aviation-related sites
- Alphabetical and catagorical searches to a variety of related sites.http://www.avlab.com/link.html
- Aviation: EMU
- Aviation hub site maintained by Eastern Michigan University. Links to 50 categorized lists of sites.http://www.emich.edu/public/nasa/aviation.htm
- ERAU-AE: Aviation/Aerospace Links
- Hub connects to numerous sites on aviation & aerospace including FAA, and NASA. http://www.eng.db.erau.edu/links.html
- Landings: Aviation's Busiest Hub in Cyberspace
- Databases, search engines, topic and category classifications, and links to every worthwhile aviation related site on the internet. http://www.landings.com/aviation.html
- Michele's Virtual Hanger
- http://rampages.onramp.net/~micheleb/hanger.html
- Pilot's aviation links
- http://www.hiway.co.uk/aviation/plinks.html
Aircraft & Atmospheric Flight
- AB Ground-based Facilities
- Pictures and text on wind tunnel facilities in the United States. Models of different aircraft being tested are placed in the tunnels and tested under different conditions. http://ab00.larc.nasa.gov/facilities.html
- AirPage: The Interactive Aircraft Handbook
- History and technical data for many aircraft. Cast your vote for your favorite. http://stega.smoky.org/~dlevin/air.html
- Boeing 727
- http://www.net-works.net/community/msd/727.htm
- Boeing 777 Visits Melbourne Page
- http://bofh.its.rmit.edu.au/richard/b777mel.html
- Helicopter Aviation
- Aerodynamics, mechanical components, maneuvers, and the history of helicopters. http://www.copters.com/helicopter.html
- NASA Dryden WWW Home Page
- This site also offers easy access to photos of many aircraft.
- Scientific Balloons Program at NASA Wallops Flight Facility
- http://www.wff.nasa.gov/~web/balloons.html
- Tetrahedral Unstructured Software System (tetrUSS). Site has information about its components and its technological applications. http://ad-www.larc.nasa.gov/tsab/tetruss/
- The Ornithopter Home Page
- Ornithopters are machines that fly by flapping wings. Info on joining the Ornithopter Modelers' Society, link to high speed photos of flying birds, access UC to learn more about vertebrate flight. http://www.bucknell.edu/~chronstr/learn.html
- To Fly is Everything: Virtual Museum
- Virtual Museum of the Invention of the Airplane. Database, library, photo and movie gallery, inventors.http://hawaii.cogsci.uiuc.edu/invent/airplanes.html
Spacecraft & Space Flight
- EnviroNET : The Space Environment Information Service
- http://envnet.gsfc.nasa.gov/
- gstory.html
- This site clearly explains scientists' present understanding of the force of gravity. Last visited 8/8/96.
- Live from the Hubble Space Telescope (NASA K-12 Internet)
- Inclues video, project news, featured events, kids corner, teacher's lounge and image gallery .http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/hst/index.html
- NASA Spacelink - An Electronic Information System for Educators
- http://spacelink.msfc.nasa.gov/
- Space Shuttle Clickable Map
- http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/ssa/space.shuttle/docs/homepage.html
- Space Shuttle Launch Schedule
- http://www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/schedule/schedule.htm
- Space Shuttle STS (Space Transportation System)
- Details on shuttle design, requirements, launch sites, statistics, etc. http://www.ksc.nasa.gov/shuttle/technology/sts-newsref/sts_overview.html
- Space Shuttles and Sonic Booms Fact Sheet
- Clear explanation of sonic booms. http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/EAO/FactSheets/SonicBoomsFACTS.html
Educator Resources
- "How we made the first flight." by the Wright Brothers
- First-hand account of the events leading to the Wright brothers famous flight. Published in the 1908 edition of Century Magazine. http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/rec/air/history/wright/wright.html
- Air Travelers
- For teachers interested in the technology of hot air ballooning. Included are activities, background information, and the history of ballooning. http://www.omsi.edu/sln/air/
- Challenger Center for Space Science Education
- http://www.challenger.org/
- Educational
Services at National Air and Space Museum
- Descriptions of teacher workshops, school tours, public programs,
and publications offered by the National Air and Space Museum. http://www.nasm.si.edu/education/printmaterials.cfm
- NASA Ames Educational Resources
- Activities for kids and teachers; faq, link to the teacher resource center, program listings as well as links to other educational sites at NASA.http://www.arc.nasa.gov/education/edu-index.html
- NASA Dryden Educational Resources
- Resource listings, access to their Teacher Resource Center, and information about their many other programs. http://www.dfrf.nasa.gov/Education/index.html
- NASA K-12 Internet: Live from the Hubble Space Telescope
- Explore the happenings of the Hubble Space Telescope including the HST team, internet activities, and an image gallery. http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/hst/index.html
- NASA Lewis TRC Activities Catalog
- Teaching activities covering both air and space flight. Includes a glossary with many earth science terms. http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/TRC/TRC_activities.html
- NASA Spacelink - An Electronic Information System for Educators
- http://spacelink.msfc.nasa.gov/
- Free flow simulator software developed at the NASA Lewis Research
Center, is interactive simulation software that determines the airflow
around various shapes of airfoils and baseball pitches. http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/aerosim/
- NASA Lewis site providing background
information for secondary math and science teachers on the basic
aerodynamics of airplanes. http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/IFMD/airplane/index.html
Institutions, Corporations, & Organizations
- Air Affair's List of Aircraft Type Clubs
- http://www.airaffair.com/Library/type_clubs.html
- Boeing Company
- Info and pics on the company's commercial airplanes, space systems, helicopters, military airplanes, missile systems, and software products.http://www.boeing.com/
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- http://macwww.db.erau.edu/
- Experimental Aircraft Association Homepage
- http://www.eaa.org/
- FAA Airframe Powerplant Exam A&P Maintenance School
- http://www.nemac.com/american/airman.htm
- International List of Aviation Museums
- Links to aviation museums throughout the world. http://www.airaffair.com/Library/museums.html
- International Society of Allied Weight Engineers (SAWE)
- http://gumbus.jsc.nasa.gov/sawe/default.html
- K.I.T.E.S. Home Page
- Designer and distributor of kites, on-line catalog as well as links to other kite-related sites.http://top.monad.net/~hanss/
- NASA Homepage
- Links to all other NASA sites. http://www.nasa.gov/index.html
- National Air and Space Museum Homepage
- Program info, extensive photo collection of Museum's holdings including planetary images. Clickable map, videos, and links to related on-line resources.http://www.nasm.si.edu/
- National Science Foundation World Wide Web Server
- http://www.nsf.gov/start.htm
- Tuskegee Airman
- http://www.eng.fiu.edu/aero/Tuskege.htm
- United States Air Force Museum
- Virtual tours, discovery hangar, aircraft index, info, faq, links to related sites.http://www.am.wpafb.af.mil/museum/usaf_museum.html
- Academic Paper on "How Things Fly" Computer Interactive
- Describes Computational Fluid Dynamic analysis involved in developing graphics program on fundamental aerodynamic principles associated with flight for the HTF gallery, Smithsonianhttp://www.erc.msstate.edu/~hudd/HowWingsWork/html/ERC_hudd_template.html
- Air Affair Events Calendar
- http://www.airaffair.com/Events/
- Aviation Motion Pictures
- http://www.airaffair.com/Library/films.html
- Popular Mechanics Movie Archive
- Large variety of downloadable movies of planes, helicopters, rockets and more.http://popularmechanics.com/popmech/movie/AIRARCH.html
- Space Calendar (JPL)
- http://newproducts.jpl.nasa.gov/calendar/calendar.html
- World Flight 1997
- http://worldflight.org
(Rev. 07/31/98)